Song Away

by Hockey

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:51 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

B Reisch


1st → Vocals
2nd → Rhythm Guitar
3rd → Lead Guitar
4th → Percussion
5th → Synth

File Size

95 KB




Make me a deal and make it good for me I won't get full of myself 'cause I can't aff-ord to be This is small town mus-ic This is big town mus-ic He's ahead of his time you know but he can't use it If only he could prove it Well To-mor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way O-h-h To-mor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way It's just a song away Hey See what your man has done to the world see what the world has done to your man You know I'm leav-ing you You don't need me Lov-ing you was-n't al-ways so ea-sy This is be-lieve me mu-sic This is for-get me music Thisis who can love me you know This ain't no rox-y mus-ic This is new form mus-ic This is old form mus-ic Thisis I paid atten-tion not some makes his prediction mus-ic Oh hecould let me use it Oh To-mor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way O-h-h To-mor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way It's just a song away Now Wooo Cheh Heh Hey Not wanting to write a truthful song o-ver an eight-ies groo-ve I like to let you know I'll al-ways be straight with you I stole my per-son-ality from an a-nony-mous source And I'm gonna pay for it too, I don't feel bad about that Give me my chance back Well This is on the rise mus-ic This is novel-ty mus-ic This is who can blame mus-ic I don't get fooled by it Thisis where'd you go mus-ic This is come home mus-ic This is down to the wire I'm such a perfect an-gel music Who rea-lly tries And To-mor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way O-h-h To-mor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way It'sjust a song away This is suc-cess mus-ic and what's it to ya? My law-yer always says these are the fact a-bout the fu-ture Tomor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way O-h-h To-mor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way It'sjust a song away Tomor-row's just a song a-wa-y Song a-way Song a-way It'sjust a song a-way